Age Estri Budiarti
Universitas Gunadarma Jakarta
Abstrak :
The financial statements can be used as a basis for measuring the bankruptcy of an enterprise through financial ratios exist. This study aims to determine the financial ratios that could be used to predict financial distress in the service and manufacturing companies. Financial ratios used in this research include performance measures include measures of performance (profitability ratio and size of the assessment), a measure of operational efficiency (asset management & investment and management costs) and the size of the financial policy (leverage ratio and liquidity ratio). Testing this hypothesis can be used logistic regression analysis. Independent variables in this study are financial ratios, while the dependent variable in this study is to predict financial distress using Altman z-score. Results from this study is that the ratio (current assets-inventory) / current liabilities can be used to predict financial distress services company in Indonesia, while the ratio of sales / total assets can be used to predict the financial distress of manufacturing companies in Indonesia.
Keywords : financial ratios, financial distress
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